Hello!👋🏻 I’m a first year PhD student in computer science and part of the research training group “Neuroexplicit models of language, vision, and action” where I am advised by Mariya Toneva at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. My research revolves around studying long-term memory in large language models and equipping them with better memory systems, inspired by the brain. I care a lot about general/foundational principles of what makes effective intelligent systems. Such principles will apply to both natural and artificial intelligent/cognitive systems.

Before I started my PhD, I did an M.Sc. in Cognitive Science. During that time I focused on both vision and RL in NeuroAI under the supervision of Tim Kietzmann and Adrien Doerig. Initially, before I started focusing on AI/ML, my interdisciplinary journey began with formal training in philosophy and economics, which is what I have a Bachelor’s degree in.

When I’m not working on my research I like to go bouldering 🧗🏻‍♂️, play the guitar 🎸 (both electric and classical) and drink a lot of japanese green tea 🍵 If any of these things sound interesting to you, or you’re based in SB and want to start a band or have a jam session, shoot me a message! I’m also always happy to talk about AI, neuroscience, cognitive science and philosophy.